Swapping Bank PKR to Wise USD in Pakistan can also be easy and safe if one decides to use a trusted exchange platform which is PKR2DOLLAR. Converting your local currency to your Wise account is easy and quick in a few simple steps outlined below. Below you will find a guideline that will assist you in the process step by step.
- 1. Visit the PKR2DOLLAR Exchange Platform:
Go to PKR2DOLLAR and create an account on website, if you have an account then you need to login that account in order to exchange Bank to Webmoney in Pakistan.
- 2. Place order on PKR2DOLLAR for Bank to Webmoney:
After logging into PKR2DOLLAR, go to the homepage of the website then sеlect Bank in the (YOU SEND) box, and on the other hand, sеlect Webmoney WMZ in the (YOU RECEIVE) box. After that, Fill in all the mentioned details with the value of PKR you wish to transfer from your Bank account. The systеm will show the exchange rate and the total amount of Wise USD that you are to receive. Verify the details, click on Exchange, and you will be redirected to a new page. Then you need to contact PKR2DOLLAR’s WhatsApp support for a Bank account, after getting a Bank account, you have to send payment to the given Bank account and then share the screenshot of the transaction on WhatsApp.
- 3. Confirmation of transactions & transferring:
Once the bank transfer is done the platform is going to check the validity of the payment. Once notified, the money will be converted and moved to your USD Wise account instantly or within some hours at most.
Why Use a Trusted Platform for Bank PKR to Wise USD Deposits?
While handling the transfer of currency, you must use a reliable exchange platform which is PKR2DOLLAR. Here’s why:
Switching to legitimate platforms leaves your financial information safe and guarantees that your money will not be stolen.
Secure sites take some time to process the transactions and your Wise USD account will be credited within a short time once the bank transfers are made.
A reliable partner shows all the fees to know how much you will get in the Wise USD account, excluding any hidden charges.
Final Thoughts
Since the services of transferring Bank PKR to Wise USD have been highly enhanced, trusted platform PKR2DOLLAR have made it easier in Pakistan. This procedure is secure and fast mode to exchange the local currency to USD for making international transactions. It is always best to transact with a credible company to avoid hitches when transferring money whether for own or business use. That way, it is easy to transfer your PKR directly to your Wise USD account for online payments and international transfers.